March ONE Idea Recap
It’s the end of March, the end of the 1st quarter of 2023, and time to provide a recap of the ONE Ideas AgencyONE has provided for you this month. As a reminder, AgencyONE’s ONE Ideas are designed to discuss a range of industry topics that are linked to current trends in Advanced Markets, Case Design, and Underwriting. Once a month, we offer a ONE Idea RECAP which summarizes the most recent articles from the month with links to the full copy.
Please note that you can always find our most recent ONE Ideas listed under “Updates” on our website homepage. Additionally, a full library exists on your personal Dashboard on our website under the Sales/Marketing tab (you are required to have a website login for access to the complete library). If you see something you like, we can brand it for your company and make it client facing, if necessary. Just let us know.
We started the month of March with an Underwriting ONE Idea titled “Please…Drink the Water or it’s Going to Cost You!” This article discusses the importance that hydration plays in maintaining our body’s health and how it can affect lab results and ultimately underwriting. This ONE Idea also delves into the impact that exercise can have on an insurance exam. AgencyONE underwriters emphasize the IMPORTANCE of educating your clients. We have one pagers and videos that can assist in making sure your clients – young or old – are ready for the insurance exams they may be required to take.
Our second ONE Idea for the month is titled “$2,000,000,000,000 – 2 Trillion Dollars!” and came from our Case Design department. The amount in this title represents the value that is currently held inside deferred annuities! The article discusses the opportunities that are available if you have clients with existing annuities that may be:
1. Expensive and variable;
2. Indexed with a guaranteed minimum crediting rate; or
3. Fixed and not competitive in today’s market.
To many who have annuities, they are considered an “emergency fund” to be used for a Long-Term Care event (73% of those who hold nonqualified annuities view them this way). In any case, this is money just sitting on the table that can be used to help make sure your clients are IDEALLY positioned to meet any Long-Term Care event that arises.
AgencyONE is pleased to provide these ONE Ideas to help you and your clients gain a better understanding of the planning, product selection, design, and underwriting that goes into the purchase of life insurance (with and without linked benefits), annuities and disability insurance. We hope you find these ONE Ideas helpful when assisting your clients with their financial, wealth, and estate planning needs.
Thank you for entrusting your business to AgencyONE. We greatly appreciate the opportunity to serve you and your clients.
Please contact the AgencyONE Marketing Department at 301.803.7500 for more information or to discuss a case.